2024-2025 Catalog 
    Feb 12, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog

Liberal Arts AA - Religion Option

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The Religious Studies option introduces students to the basic problems and methods of theology; to the sacred literatures of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other religious traditions; and to the history, basic beliefs, and characteristic practices of the major religions of the world.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

  1. Explain the relationship between religion and culture.
  2. Apply academic methodologies to the study of religion.
  3. Analyze sacred texts and traditions recognizing the various hermeneutical approaches.
  4. Defend positions on religious issues with critical precision, clarity and rigor, both orally and in writing.


Recommended Semester Sequence

First Semester

Subtotal: 16 Credits

Second Semester

Subtotal: 16 Credits

Third Semester

  • PHR Religion Program Requirement Elective 3 Credit(s)
  • Humanities Elective 3 Credit(s) *
  • Natural Science Elective 4 Credit(s) *
  • History Elective 3 Credit(s) *

Subtotal: 13 Credits

Fourth Semester

  • Humanities Elective 6 Credit(s)
  • Social Science Elective 3 Credit(s)
  • Free Elective 3 Credit(s) ‡‡

General Education Requirements

Subtotal: 9 Credits

History Electives *

Subtotal: 6 Credits


Subtotal: 9 Credits

Social Science Electives *

Subtotal: 6 Credits

Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Technology

  • Mathematics* 3-4 Credit(s)
  • Mathematics or Computer Science or Information Technology* 0-3 Credit(s)
  • Natural Science - Two general education courses to be selected from these fields: Biology (BIO); Chem (CHM); Horticulture (HRT); Physics (PHY) 8 Credit(s)*

Subtotal: 12-14 Credits

Diversity Elective *

Subtotal: 3 Credits

Subtotal: 45

Subtotal: 9 Credits

Free Electives ‡‡

Recommended: Recommended: IST-123 Success 101  or another Religion or Philosophy course.

Subtotal: 6 Credits

Subtotal: 15 Credits

Total Credit Hours: 60

Specific Program Notes

Students are encouraged to take their courses in semester sequence order.

Please note that required courses may have prerequisites. Click on each course to view details.

*General Education Elective(s)  

†If a student’s first-semester Mathematics elective is a 3-credit course, then s/he is required to select a second 3- or 4-credit elective in the second semester in Mathematics or Computer Science or Information Technology; and if a student’s first-semester Mathematics elective is a 4-credit course, then s/he is required to take a 3-credit Free Elective in the second semester (which may be a second Mathematics elective).

‡General Education Diversity Course Elective. Recommended: PHR-106 PHR-122 ; PHR-124 ; PHR-125 ; PHR-126  or PHR-127 .

‡‡Recommended: Recommended: IST-123 Success 101  or another Religion or Philosophy course.

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