Feb 12, 2025
2024-2025 Catalog
Liberal Arts AA - Religion Option
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The Religious Studies option introduces students to the basic problems and methods of theology; to the sacred literatures of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other religious traditions; and to the history, basic beliefs, and characteristic practices of the major religions of the world.
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
- Explain the relationship between religion and culture.
- Apply academic methodologies to the study of religion.
- Analyze sacred texts and traditions recognizing the various hermeneutical approaches.
- Defend positions on religious issues with critical precision, clarity and rigor, both orally and in writing.
Recommended Semester Sequence
Communication Elective:
Choose Third Semester
- PHR Religion Program Requirement Elective 3 Credit(s)
- Humanities Elective 3 Credit(s) *
- Natural Science Elective 4 Credit(s) *
- History Elective 3 Credit(s) *
Fourth Semester
- Humanities Elective 6 Credit(s)
- Social Science Elective 3 Credit(s)
- Free Elective 3 Credit(s) ‡‡
Diversity Course Recommended:
General Education Requirements
Social Science Electives *
Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Technology
- Mathematics* 3-4 Credit(s)
- Mathematics or Computer Science or Information Technology* 0-3 Credit(s)
- Natural Science - Two general education courses to be selected from these fields: Biology (BIO); Chem (CHM); Horticulture (HRT); Physics (PHY) 8 Credit(s)*
Plus one of the Following Courses:
Free Electives ‡‡
Recommended: Recommended: IST-123 Success 101 or another Religion or Philosophy course. Total Credit Hours: 60
Specific Program Notes Students are encouraged to take their courses in semester sequence order. Please note that required courses may have prerequisites. Click on each course to view details. *General Education Elective(s) †If a student’s first-semester Mathematics elective is a 3-credit course, then s/he is required to select a second 3- or 4-credit elective in the second semester in Mathematics or Computer Science or Information Technology; and if a student’s first-semester Mathematics elective is a 4-credit course, then s/he is required to take a 3-credit Free Elective in the second semester (which may be a second Mathematics elective). ‡General Education Diversity Course Elective. Recommended: PHR-106 ; PHR-122 ; PHR-124 ; PHR-125 ; PHR-126 or PHR-127 . ‡‡Recommended: Recommended: IST-123 Success 101 or another Religion or Philosophy course. |
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