2024-2025 Catalog 
    Mar 18, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog

Human Services AAS - Law Enforcement Studies Program


This program is intended for students seeking to pursue a career in law enforcement at both local and federal levels. This program will provide the fundamental knowledge of the functions and process of the criminal justice system as well as philosophy, history, and legal principles guiding law enforcement practices and procedures. Career opportunities include Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement agencies, Federal, State Court/Judiciary, Federal, State and County Correctional facilities, Corporate and Private Security firms.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

  1. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the functions, interrelationships and processes of the criminal justice components.
  2. State and support the opinions on critical issues and problems facing the criminal justice system.
  3. Demonstrate a sound working knowledge of the philosophy, history and application of law related to the criminal justice system.
  4. Describe and analyze the theories of causation and impact of crime.


Law Enforcement Investigator Evidence Manager Law Enforcement Record Keeper
Critical Incident Response/Special Police Operator Maritime Law Enforcer Protective Services Operator

Recommended Semester Sequence

First Semester

Subtotal: 15 Credits

Second Semester

Subtotal: 15 Credits

Third Semester

Subtotal: 15 Credits

Fourth Semester

Subtotal: 15 Credits

Program Concentrations

After the first semester, students will select a track that aligns with the career they wish to pursue.

General Education Requirements

Subtotal: 6 Credits

Humanities Electives

  • Two (2) general education courses selected from the following fields: Arts (Art [ART], Music [MUS], Theatre Arts [THR], Cinema Studies [CIN]); History (HIS); Interdisciplinary (WGS); Literature (LIT); Philosophy and Religion (PHR); World Languages and Cultures (LAN).
  • With no more than one course in any one field.
  • HIS or PHR recommended.

Subtotal: 6 Credits

Social Science Elective

One general education course selected from the following fields: Economics (ECO); Geography (GEO); Political Science (POL); Psychology (PSY); Sociology (SOC) and Anthropology (ANT).

Recommended: SOC, PSY, POL

Subtotal: 3 Credits

Mathematics, Natural Science, and Technology***

One general education course to be selected from the following fields: Mathematics (MAT); Computer Science (CIS) Information Technology (INF); Biology (BIO); Chemistry (CHM); Horticulture (HRT); Physics (PHY). Recommended:

Subtotal: 3 Credits

Subtotal: 3 Credits

Subtotal: 21-22 Credits

Free Electives

Subtotal: 6 Credits

Total Credit Hours: 60

Specific Program Notes

Students are encouraged to take their courses in semester sequence order.

Please note that required courses may have prerequisites. Click on each course to view details.

***General Education Elective(s) .

‡Highly recommended: PSY-101 , PHR-102 , HIS-112 .

Students enrolled in this program ARE REQUIRED to successfully complete a course in basic algebra if indicated by the Basic Skills Placement Test.